Emergency Procedures

EarthquakeFire Active ThreatEvacuationShelter in PlaceMedical EmergencySuspicious Activity, Behavior, or ItemsKey Phone Numbers

earthquake symbol Earthquake

If you feel shaking…

  • DROP to the ground, find COVER (table, desk, etc.) & HOLD on!
  • When shaking stops, check yourself and others for injuries and evacuate to an assembly area.
  • Report hazards and injuries to supervisory or emergency personnel.

fire symbol Fire

If you see or smell smoke or flames…

  • Pull the fire alarm. 
  • DO NOT use elevators as you evacuate the building.
  • With consent, help people who need assistance, if you can do so.
  • Go to assembly area and wait for ALL CLEAR to reenter 
the building.

threat symbolActive Threat

If you encounter a violent intruder, based on the information you have and your observations in the moment, make the decision to either…

  • RUN/FLEE: Evacuate, leave belongings behind and keep hands visible.
  • HIDE: Close and secure all doors and windows, shut off lights and silence ALL electronic devices.
  • FIGHT: Act aggressively and attempt to incapacitate the threat or intruder.

evacuation symbolEvacuation

If an unsafe situation occurs INSIDE your building or if instructed by the college...

  • Move calmly to the nearest clear exit; DO NOT use elevators or bring belongings.
  • With consent, help people who need assistance, if you can do so.
  • Go to assembly area and wait for ALL CLEAR to reenter 
the building.

shelter in place symbolShelter in Place

If an unsafe situation occurs OUTSIDE of your building or if instructed by the college...

  • Move to interior space, away from windows.
  • Wait for the ALL CLEAR before exiting.

medical symbolMedical Emergency

If immediate medical attention is needed…

  • Call 9-1-1 and follow instructions from Operator.
  • Provide CPR/First Aid if necessary and if able. 
  • Call Campus Security at 360-992-2133 as soon as possible so they can assist.

threat symbolSuspicious Activity, Behavior, or Items

See Something? Say Something.

  • Call Security 360-992-2133 and give a detailed account of the situation:
    • Alarming behavior or threats, unattended bags or packages, potential biohazards.
  • Give information about a person’s clothing, height, weight, and their direction of travel.
  • DO NOT touch suspicious items.

Key Phone Numbers

Campus Security: 360-992-2133
Facilities Services: 360-992-2336 

All-Hazard Emergency Procedures Posters

image of poster

Poster PDFs