521.000 - Health, Safety and Emergency Management

The College shall develop, implement and enforce procedures, rules and regulations to ensure compliance with state and federal statutes regarding workplace safety and emergency preparedness and response. The Board delegates to the president or designee responsibility for these procedures, rules and regulations.


In accordance with WAC 296-24-040, the College has an accident prevention program geared to the needs of the employee's working environment that emphasizes the integration of safety and health measures into each job task so that health/safety and job performance become inseparable.

Both the College and its employees, by accepting the responsibility to work safely to identify and report safety hazards and to observe safety rules, contribute to the well-being of the campus community.


Each employee is responsible for strict adherence to health and safety regulations and has the right to a safe work area. College safety regulations are available in Human Resources and will be provided to any employee upon request.

The director of security/safety is responsible for bringing health and safety matters to the attention of the appropriate administrative officials.

The president may delegate authority to the director of security/safety to close a building or program if the health and safety hazard is determined to be injurious or detrimental to the welfare of persons participating in activities conducted in those buildings or programs.


The objective of Clark College’s Hearing Conservation Procedure is to help protect employees from hearing damage or loss by committing available resources to implement the requirements/procedures contained in the Washington State Hearing Conservation Standard, WAC 296-62-09015 through 296- 62-09055.

The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries has adopted a permissible exposure level (PEL) of an 8 hour time-weighted average (TWA) of 85 decibels (dB) for noise, which is designed to guard against unnecessary hearing damage. Values equal to or below these levels are considered acceptable for industrial noise exposure without the use of hearing protection. Incorporated into the PEL is a maximum exposure level or ceiling level for noise. For continuous noise, the ceiling level is anything above 115 dBA and for impact/impulse noise, the ceiling is at or above 140 dB. Any exposure above the ceiling level mandates the use of hearing protection regardless of the exposure duration.

1. The Hearing Conservation Procedure consists of the following major elements:

a. evaluation of noise exposures;
b. noise control;
c. audiometric testing program;
d. hearing protectors;
e. training program;
f. access to information;
g. warning signs, and
h. record keeping.

2. Responsibilities Concerning the Hearing Conservation Procedure

 a. Deans/supervisors will:

(1) supervise the selection and correct use of hearing protectors;

(2) ensure that proper hearing protectors are worn by any employee who is exposed to noise greater than the permissible exposure limit (PEL).

(3) provide hearing protectors to affected employee(s) at no cost to the employee(s);

(4) provide annual audiometric testing to affected employee(s) at no cost to the employee(s);

(5) ensure proper warning signs are posted in high noise areas (>115dBA), and

(6) ensure affected employee(s) receive annual hearing conservation training.

b. The hazardous materials safety coordinator will:

(1) coordinate employee audiometric testing;

(2) report audiometric test results to employee(s)

(3) coordinate standard threshold shift follow-up procedures;

(4) coordinate annual hearing conservation training;

(5) keep employee hearing conservation training records;

(6) evaluate hearing protection to ensure proper attenuation, and

(7) coordinate sound level monitoring.

c. Employees exposed to noise greater than the permissible exposure limit (PEL) will:

(1) wear hearing protectors provided to them;

(2) properly maintain, store, and keep clean hearing protectors supplied to them;

(3) report any discomfort or problems with hearing protectors to their supervisor or the hazardous materials safety coordinator;

(4) report for annual audiometric testing, and

(5) participate in annual hearing conservation training.

d. Human Resources will:

(1) maintain employee exposure measurements and audiometric test data.


Safety orientation of new employees, rehires, part-time employees, and those transferred from another department within the College must begin the first day of employment. This program will provide an introduction to College and departmental policies and rules and will include a thorough safety briefing. The orientation should include a tour of the facilities to acquaint the employee with the entire operation.

The primary responsibility of supervisors is the health and safety of the employees they supervise.  Accordingly, supervisors will:

  1. Assure that all safety and health rules, regulations, policies, and procedures are understood and observed.

  2. Require the proper care and use of protective equipment including, but not limited to, eye and hearing protection. Ensure that safety posters and first aid kits are readily available.

  3. Identify and eliminate job hazards expeditiously through job safety analysis procedures.

  4. Administer details of the Hazardous Materials Communications Program.

  5. Receive and take initial action on employee suggestions, awards, or disciplinary measures.

  6. Conduct staff meetings to discuss safety matters and concerns.

  7. Train employees, both new and experienced, in the safe and efficient methods of accomplishing each job task as necessary.

  8. Review accident trends and establish prevention methods.

  9. Attend safety meetings and actively participate in proceedings.

  10. Participate in accident investigations and safety inspections.

  11. Promote employee participation in safety and health problems.

  12. Actively follow the progress of injured workers and display an interest in their rapid recovery and return to work.

  13. Complete and forward the Supervisor's Statement on the Accident Report form as required.

  14. Post items relating to health and safety issues, citations, and notices to increase employee safety awareness.

Employee Responsibilities

  1. Maintain familiarity with and comply with all safety, health, accident prevention, and hazard awareness rules and regulations.

  2. Attend safety meetings and participate in proceedings.

  3. Promptly report health and safety hazards to the immediate supervisor.

  4. Make recommendations and suggestions for improving accident prevention programs.

  5. Report accidents or injuries to supervisor as soon as practical.

  6. Complete and forward the Employee's Statement on the Accident Report form as required.

  7. When unable to report to work due to job related injury or illness, report status and prognosis to immediate supervisor as instructed.

  8. Keep a copy of the Clark College Emergency Reference Guide (available from Human Resources) in a convenient and readily accessible location.

Responsibility for health and safety includes establishing and maintaining an effective communication system among staff, supervisors, faculty, and administrators. To this end, all personnel are responsible to assure that their concerns are received and understood. 


College employees observing an unsafe condition or practice, or detecting a hazard to the health and/or safety of individuals on the campus, are to immediately report the condition to their supervisor.

If the unsafe situation or condition remains, the employee shall report the matter to the divisional safety committee for discussion and/or action. If the matter is not resolved, the problem should be submitted to the College director of security/safety and then, if necessary, to the chair of the Environmental Health and Safety Committee.

Employees in the WPEA bargaining units are governed by the procedures in the applicable collective bargaining agreement. Also, see the CC/AHE Agreement regarding faculty safety issues.


Employees of institutions of higher education in Washington State, who have reasonable cause to believe a child has suffered from abuse or neglect, must make a report to the proper authority. This procedure describes how this state mandate will be carried out at the college.

Who must report?

Academic, administrative, classified supervisor, and athletic employees, including student employees.

As required by state law, all academic, administrative, and athletic employees of the college, including student employees, who have reasonable cause to believe a child has suffered from abuse or neglect, must make a report directly to the proper law enforcement agency or the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS). Contact DSHS at 1-866-ENDHARM (1-866-363-4276). Find common manifestations of child abuse here: http://www.dshs.wa.gov/ca/safety/abuseWhat.asp?2.

Child and Family Services employees

Employees of the Child and Family Services program must follow all reporting procedures and requirements consistent with their training and orientation and as stipulated by the Washington Administrative Code. 

Classified employees

All other college employees, defined for purposes of this policy as classified employees not working in the Athletics Department, must make a report directly to the Associate Vice President of Human Resources or their immediate supervisor. The Associate Vice President of Human Resources or the employee’s immediate supervisor must then make a report to the proper law enforcement agency or the Department of Social and Health Services.

Classified employees may still be required by local law enforcement or the Department of Social and Health Services to provide direct, “eyewitness” information as part of the official investigation. The Director of Services for Children and Families is available to provide guidance in these matters.

When must child abuse or neglect be reported?

You must report child abuse as described below. You must make the report at the first opportunity and never later than 48 hours after you have reasonable cause to believe a child suffered abuse or neglect.

What must be included in a report?

The report must include as much detail as possible. It must include the identity of the accused if known. Detail includes:

  1. The child’s name, address, and age.
  2. The name and address of the child's parents, stepparents, guardians, or other persons who have custody of the child.
  3. The nature and extent of the alleged:
    a. Injury or injuries.
    b. Neglect.
    c. Sexual abuse.
  4. Any evidence of previous injuries, including their nature and extent.
  5. Any other information that may help to establish the cause of the child's injury, injuries, or death.
  6. The identity of the alleged perpetrator(s).

The reporting requirement doesn’t apply to the discovery of abuse or neglect that occurred during childhood if it’s discovered after the child becomes an adult. However, if there’s reasonable cause to believe other children are or may be at risk of abuse or neglect by the accused, the reporting requirement does apply and you must make a report.

What are the definitions employees should know?

Academic employees: All instructors, including adjuncts.

Administrative employees: All administrative and exempt employees.

Athletic employees: All coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, administrative/exempt, and classified staff working in the Athletics Department.

Classified supervisor: All classified supervisors who supervise classified staff.

All other employees: All classified employees, except those working in the Athletics Department.

Child: Anyone under age 18.


  1. Sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or injury of a child by anyone under circumstances that causes harm to the child’s health, welfare, or safety, OR
  2. The negligent treatment of maltreatment of a child by a person responsible for or who provides care to the child.

Abused child: A child subjected to child abuse or neglect.

Allowable physical discipline: Any use of force on a child by anyone else is unlawful unless it’s:

  1. Reasonable and moderate
  2. Authorized in advance by the child’s parent or guardian to restrain or correct the child.

What is the legal liability for reporting child abuse or neglect?

Anyone who takes part in reporting alleged child abuse or neglect in good faith will not have any legal liability that comes from such reporting.

If you, in good faith, cooperate in an investigation of a report of child abuse or neglect, you won’t be subject to civil liability that comes from your cooperation.

If you, intentionally and in bad faith, knowingly make a false report of alleged abuse or neglect, you will be guilty of a misdemeanor and violating college policy.

Where can employees get more information?

The Associate Vice President of Human Resources receives reports and provides guidance on employees’ reporting obligations. Additionally, all employees will be required to complete a mandatory training on this policy. The Director of Services for Children and Families is also available to assist employees in filing their report. Also see RCW 26.44.030 for more information.

New Policy/Procedure by Executive Cabinet
July 17, 2012


The College offers classes in industrial first aid. College first aid classes are approved by the Department of Labor and Industries and fulfill requirements for both WISHA and vocational certification. Employees are encouraged to take this class and to repeat it periodically to maintain their skill level and knowledge.

First Aid Stations

Health Services maintains a list of the required contents of the first aid kit as well as information on location (building-room) of each kit. Employees should know the location of the first aid kit for their area. Each area's first aid kit will be checked and restocked by one or more persons appointed by the administrator or supervisor responsible for the area. First aid supplies are available through Health Services and are the responsibility of the division/department.


In the event of a natural or human-made emergency, a state of emergency may be declared at the discretion of the College President or designee.  Once a state of emergency has been declared, Clark College will implement its all-hazards Emergency Operations Plan as appropriate for the specific type of event. The College’s response may include the activation of an Incident Management Team (IMT) and/or an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in accordance with the National Incident Management System (NIMS).

Authority to manage the emergency will be transferred to Incident Command Staff by the Vice President of Administrative Services or designee. During a declared state of emergency, standard or typical lines of reporting may be superseded by a structure that follow NIMS guidelines. Administrators, faculty and staff may be asked to support emergency response activities or efforts as needed. These requests may come from sources outside of the faculty or staff member’s typical chain of command.

Communications with administrators, faculty, staff, students, local, state, and federal officials, and the broader community will be conducted in accordance with the established Emergency Communication Plan. All administrators, faculty, staff and students are automatically registered in the Rave alert notification system and will receive regular reminders from Emergency Management to confirm that a current, working cell number is properly listed within the Rave system. Administrators, faculty, staff and students can access Rave at https://www.getrave.com/login/clark.

At various times, the College will provide emergency response training to administrators, faculty, staff and students through a variety of venues (e.g., online, drills, etc.). Any administrator, faculty or staff serving on an IMT in a Command or Section Chief role will be required to take Incident Command System (ICS) courses 100 C, 200 C, 300, 700 B and 800 C. IMT members will also be required to take the Basic Power, Privilege and Inequity class as well as an Emergency Management Through Social Equity training course.

Clark College Executive Cabinet members will be required to take ICS courses 100 C, 200 C, 700 B, 800 C and 402.

At a minimum, administrators, faculty and staff should familiarize themselves with the Emergency Procedures posted in classrooms, offices and other work areas and keep the yellow Emergency Response Guide in an easily accessible location. 

In the event of an emergency, administrators, faculty and other staff working with students are asked to encourage students to follow the Emergency Procedures and any other response instructions that come from the College. However, administrators, faculty and staff are not expected or required to compel students to remain in place. 

Per NWCCU accreditation standard (3.A.5) all College departments and offices will have annually updated Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP) that will support the essential functions necessary for business recovery and continuation.

In the event of an infectious disease outbreak (e.g., measles, bird flu, etc.) the College will respond in accordance with policy 521.035 – INFECTIOUS DISEASE RESPONSE.

New Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
February 28, 2012

Revised Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
April 4, 2017

Revised Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
December 17, 2019


This policy is intended to provide guidance to the College community in the event of a communicable disease outbreak. It is also designed to support the Communicable Disease Policy contained within the Emergency Operations Plan in the containment or limitation of a significant infectious disease outbreak at Clark College, as well as preserve continuity of operations.

The College shall comply with all pertinent statutes and regulations which protect the privacy and welfare of members of the College community who suffer from a communicable disease as well as the welfare of others within the College community. All confidential medical information about an individual will be handled in compliance with legal requirements and professional ethical standards. The College will not disclose the identity of any faculty, staff or student who has a communicable disease, except as authorized by law for the administration of this policy.

Administrative responsibility for implementing this policy is assigned to the Health Services Officer or designee. Upon activation of the Communicable Disease Policy, the Health Services Officer or designee, in consultation with Clark County Public Health, will determine the need for activation of incident command.  The Health Services Officer or designee will notify the Vice President of Administrative Services or designee regarding activation of incident command. In accordance with the Communicable Disease Policy, community partners such as Clark County Public Health may assume command positions with proper Delegation of Authority. Clark College faculty, staff and students are required to comply with the directions of the Incident Command staff to aid in response.

New Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
February 28, 2012

Revised Policy/Procedure Approved by Executive Cabinet
January 13, 2015